This book really kicked my ass. Into gear.
I’m taking a lot of liberties here, but the main messages I took away from reading this succinct little book of wisdom include:
- Our creative or artist side (whatever our medium of choice) exists on kind of a parallel plane to normal everyday life.
- It is up to us to find our way and tap into this other reality and let our creativity flow out of us.
- Problem is, we let stupid shit get in the way of this = resistance.
- The best way to access our internal wisdom and creativity is to regularly sit down and just fucking do it. For example, if your medium is writing, you’ve got to create habits that get you in front of that keyboard on a regular basis.
I also appreciated how this author’s voice careens back and forth between classical literature to pop references, brass tacks tough love to woo-woo wacky existential stuff all the while merrily ignoring the accepted “rules” of how to write a traditional book. This delights me to no end! It’s a wild ride of a trip through one artist’s stream of consciousness about how to unleash your own brand of creativity but does not suffer for this format. It is at once entertaining and incredibly inspiring, but thankfully, avoids the pitfall of shaming readers for not just doing it already.